Easy Way Language Centre used Google Chrome's Speech Recognition Technology to build a simple but really cool game that allows you to practice your pronunciation skills. A really nice way of using a piece of technolgoy to create an entertaining and enjoyable experience that is social by design and rooted intrinscially to the brand.
Done to the tune of Bruno Mar's Marry You, this live lip-dub proposal is both creative and heartwarming, with all the feel-good ingredients in the makings of a great viral video with 4.95 million views the last I checked.
Great use of technology to reinforce a brand purpose. Band Aid uses augmented reality to create an immersive and fun experience - a digital "band aid" with The Muppets for kids and in doing so, get them to forget about the pain from their injuries.
Sometimes all it takes is a simple idea based on a great Point of view: Let's reawaken people's sense of political engagement with a strong and effective reminder of the price of dictatorshipAdvertising is about changing the way people behave and act through a message. Behavior Change = Motivation x Opportunity - In this case, the message provides the motivation and the medium provide the opportunity. What they have simply done is to create conversations using a strong point of view and then propagating the content output online to amplify these conversations. The idea is social by design (surprise and delight) and this gives people a reason to care and share.