Monday, February 04, 2013

Super Bowl 2013: The Power Of Real Time Responses

The lights went off at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome during the Super Bowl 2013 game. Play was suspended for 37 minutes in an embarassing rush to figure out what went wrong.

During this time, a bunch of hilarious tweets were pushed out by various brands capitalizing on the moment to show a bit of creativity.

Tide has already adopted the "Newsdesk" approach to social media conversations by establishing a social media listening post with processes in place for rapid responses based on ongoing topics/issues going on in real-time, akin to an actual newsroom. See their amazingly quick response when Tide Powder Detergent was used to clean up the fuel spill during a car crash at a NASCAR race

Tide did it again with this tweet during the Super Bowl blackout.


Oreo did it with this supercool response ad - You can still dunk in the dark.


Audi used it to slam their rivals Mercedes Benz (given the match was held at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome)

I have a firm believe that we don't always need the big clunky long drawn ad campaign that have been developed over many months and tested before being shown to the world. In the age of conversations, simple, well designed moments that tap on real time situations can build brands.

Posted via email from The Digital Marketer